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Dress Code


  • Please help us by not monitoring other people’s clothing, talent, abilities, etc. NEVER comment to another person on clothing choices or singing abilities unless the comment is positive, encouraging, and Christ-exalting.

  • The platform is the most visible place in the church. As leaders on the platform, the things we wear need to be considered with wisdom and prayer. It is important to remember that modesty is key. We want our clothes to represent who we are, but also who we are in Christ.

  • Before you finalize an outfit for a service, be sure to do a final worship check. Raise your arms as high as you can and swing them in all directions. Look in the mirror and check yourself from all angles - make sure you are not revealing anything inappropriate.

  • You may be asked to change clothes or alter your outfit upon arrival if you do not meet the dress code requirements. We offer various sized shirts, jackets, sweaters, etc. for your convenience should you need them.

  • Please keep all accessories - ties, bow ties, scarves, jewelry, etc. - to a minimum. Do not wear anything that would draw direct attention to yourself.

  • Colors should be, navy, charcoal, etc.

  • Please avoid large patterns...solids are best.

  • Modesty is key...nothing too short, nothing too low, nothing too tight.

  • Jewelry should be small, understated, and minimal. No glitter, bling, or sequins unless otherwise approved.

  • Short sleeves are permitted, however, no sleeveless tops will be allowed. Sleeve length should be appropriate for your arms.

  • Cold shoulder tops are allowed but please keep modesty in mind.

  • The neckline should be modest and not revealing.

  • Printed/Graphic T-Shirts are not allowed. (The only exception is CFBC ministry-related t-shirts, ex. Kid's Min)

  • Please wear dark shoes when possible.  Avoid white and very light colors. Darker colors look best on stage and on camera.

  • Avoid clothing that is too tight for your body type. Remember to use discretion and aim for modesty.

  • Please do not wear any see-through clothing, or clothing that may appear transparent when on stage.

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